Across Europe, there are a variety of escorts websites, these vary in price, features and credibility. Some sites focus on private prostitution and others on escorts. Some sites offer services for specific countries, and some focus on escorts from various countries.
Sex trafficking is illegal in Sweden. The country follows a Nordic model of neo-abolitionism. The sex trade is illegal to buy, but it is legal to sell.
Hungary follows a similar model. In Spain, pimping is illegal. In Italy, attitudes toward prostitution are more tolerant.
Sweden’s model allows selling sex, but does not allow buying. The Swedish government has a system in place that penalizes customers who buy sex. The Swedish government also requires brothels to pay taxes.
Some countries have legalized prostitution, but only three countries have banned sex work within the European Union. Germany, Sweden, and France follow a model of strict regulations. These countries are shown in green on the map.