Thousands of girls work as sex workers in Istanbul, Turkey. Most are unregistered. The Turkish government has clamped down on the prostitution industry. It is illegal to advertise or promote the sale of prostitution services. Those who promote prostitution can be punished with two months to four years of imprisonment.
In Istanbul, there are two main types of sex clubs. There are themed clubs, or Hostesses Clubs. These clubs offer thrilling adult entertainment. Usually, these clubs start off with expensive non-alcoholic champagne. They then charge an hourly fee of about 150 euros.
There are also general houses, or brothels. These are places that specialize in prostitution. They are often located in special red light districts in Istanbul. Generally, only licensed prostitutes are allowed in these areas.
Many of the girls working in these areas are Eastern Europeans. They are often controlled by local mafia guys. However, there are also some girls that are working for their own pleasure.
These girls can be hired to work in hotels. They can also be hired by escorts. Sex workers can work independently, and they can use online platforms to find clients.
Istanbul has a large number of sex workers from Africa and other parts of the world. This industry is highly lucrative, generating $4 billion in revenue annually. It has also been legal since the early 20th century.
In addition to working in sex clubs and general houses, some sex workers have independent businesses. They can use social media to advertise themselves, and to screen their customers. They can also arrange private locations for their clients.