Several people travel to Ukraine to get sex, the country ranks among the best countries for sex tourism. But there are some concerns about the prostitution industry.
Ukraine has a lot of beautiful women. Many of these girls work as call girls. These girls know what men want, and they do everything possible to make them feel at home. Some of them work in call services, while others work in out call services.
These girls can be classified into different categories, depending on their age, preferences, cost of services, and type of services. The cost of escorting in Ukraine is usually around 2000 UAH per hour. However, some escort agencies charge more than 2000 UAH per hour.
The escort website, Minuet, said that “Ukrainian porn” searches have increased 600 percent in Poland and 130 percent in Spain. The website has also reported a 250 percent increase in the number of Ukrainian women advertising services since the war started.
The escort website also said that the number of Ukrainian women arrested for attempting to get access to buyers increased by 30 percent. The government has done little to stop the prostitution industry. It has also acted against the websites.
The website also said that it has joined forces with Women’s Aid, an Irish NGO. It is working with women affected by sexual exploitation. The campaign is called Beyond Exploitation, and calls on the Government to do more to combat human trafficking. It also wants to see the Government taking “decisive action” to ensure gender-sensitive humanitarian aid for Ukraine.