Getting an escort in France can be a little bit difficult. France escorts are not as common as in North America. Rather, they work in local strip clubs or lap-dance bars. They may also work with an escort agency.
The number of full-time male and female prostitutes in France is estimated at 20,000-30,000. This figure includes both foreign and local prostitutes. However, there are only a small number of prostitutes that accept women as clients.
Unlike the United States, France does not allow paying for sex. In fact, sex workers must stop prostitution in advance. They must also pass medical tests.
In addition, sex workers are allowed to work with an approved abolitionist association. These associations present their case to the local prefecture. This is done to prevent the problem of pimping.
In recent years, la Rue Saint-Denis has been gentrified. It’s a tourist district. It’s also an attractive area for prostitutes.
In the early 20th century, France took a more regulationist approach to prostitution. The country also became the first to declassify transsexualism as a mental illness. After the law, sex workers were subject to mandatory medical checks.
After the law passed, many sex workers tried to find ways to circumvent it. Some went back to indoor brothels, while others tried to find ways to work in the streets.
Several associations have reported cases of prostitutes being expelled from apartments. In addition, trans people are more likely to be forced into sex work.