Despite its name, Latvia is actually a European country that borders Russia, Estonia, and Lithuania. Its economy is free, and it has attracted many migrant workers. This has resulted in the proliferation of sex workers. In fact, there are about 18,000 prostitutes in Latvia.
Escorts are usually hired by men while on vacations or business trips. The average cost for one hour of escort services is 75-150EUR. Escort services are available through escort agencies and independent escorts.
Escort services have come a long way in Latvia. Some escorts offer fetish escort services, such as peeing or cum in the face. Fetish escorts can wear high heeled shoes and underwear, or even dress like baby dolls.
The Latvian government is making significant efforts to eliminate trafficking, but there are still many women who are exploited. In fact, 50% of Latvian women have had sex for money.
The Association Resource Centre for Women “MARTA” is a non-profit organization that helps women and promotes women’s rights and fights against domestic violence. It also helps in the fight against sex trafficking by offering counselling and therapy.
In Latvia, escorts are found in dance clubs, strip clubs, and brothels. Escorts are also available in call escort services. Escorts can also be found through adult dating websites.
Escorts in Latvia offer a range of services from sex to fetish escorts. Escorts can be hired in the city or even at home. The most important thing is to choose the right escort.